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Amateur Female (34) seeking Male
H Lansing, Illinois, USA 6696mi/10714km Map
  Me Seeking
Pro/Am Status Amateur Professional
Experience 3 years at least 0 years experience
3Intermediate 1SilverCSilver
Dance Styles
Yes American Rhythm
Yes American Smooth
Yes Social Ballroom
Yes East Coast Swing/Rock-n-Roll
Yes Hustle
Yes American Rhythm
Yes American Smooth
Yes Social Ballroom
Yes Social
No Competition
No Performance
Yes Training/Practice
Like to Dance 1 hrs/day, 1 days/week (unused at present)
Physical Description
  Me Seeking
Gender Female Male
Age 34 25 to 50
Height (w/o shoes) 5'7" (170 cm) 5'7" (170 cm) to 6'7" (201 cm)
Weight ? (unused at present)
Hair Color Dark Brown (unused at present)
Eye Color Green (unused at present)
Body Type Average any
Ethnicity Caucasian/White any
Personal Information
  Me Seeking
Relationship Status Married or Live-in Partner any
Occupation Technical/IT/Engineering (unused at present)
Smoking No
Yes No
Yes Occasionally
No Daily
Drinking Socially any
Education Bachelors Degree (unused at present)
Income ? (unused at present)
Religion ? (unused at present)
Open to Dating No I don't care.
I'm just looking for a dance partner.
Language skill
Yes English
Credentials 0 Request Credentials
Covid Vaccination Fully Vaccinated 2 primary doses + 1 or more boosters
My Gifts (0)

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More About Me
Used to compete in college, now I'm getting back into the swing of things (hehe). I'm taking lessons again and getting to social dances when I can. I've trained primarily in the American Smooth and Rhythm dances, though I do have a basic understanding of the international styles as well. I truly love to dance and I'm super excited to return to the sport.
I'm Looking For
At the moment, just looking for someone to practice with and maybe go to a few social dance parties. Might consider returning to amateur competition in the future, depending on how things progress.
Member for 3 months
Last Login 9 days ago

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