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Amateur Male (38) seeking Female
H Chandler, Arizona, USA 8064mi/12902km Map
  Me Seeking
Pro/Am Status Amateur Professional
Experience 1 years at least 0 years experience
3Intermediate 1SilverCSilver
4Intermediate 2GoldBGold
Dance Styles
Yes American Rhythm
Yes American Smooth
Yes Social Ballroom
Yes East Coast Swing/Rock-n-Roll
Yes West Coast Swing
Yes Argentine Tango
Yes Bachata
Yes Country/Western
Yes American Rhythm
Yes American Smooth
Yes Social Ballroom
Yes East Coast Swing/Rock-n-Roll
Yes West Coast Swing
Yes Argentine Tango
Yes Bachata
Yes Country/Western
Yes Line Dancing (C/W)
Yes Line Dancing (General)
Yes Rave/Freestyle
Yes Mexican/Aztec
Yes Polynesian/Hawaiian
Yes Spanish
Yes Social
No Competition
No Performance
Yes Training/Practice
Yes Social
Yes Competition
No Performance
Yes Training/Practice
Like to Dance 2 hrs/day, 3 days/week (unused at present)
Physical Description
  Me Seeking
Gender Male Female
Age 38 1 to 35
Height (w/o shoes) 5'10" (178 cm) 4'8" (142 cm) to 6'2" (188 cm)
Weight 130 lbs (59 kg) (unused at present)
Hair Color Black (unused at present)
Eye Color Brown (unused at present)
Body Type Slim/Slender
Yes Slim/Slender
Yes Average
Yes Muscular/Athletic
Yes Stocky
No Large
Ethnicity Asian any
Personal Information
  Me Seeking
Relationship Status Single any
Occupation Technical/IT/Engineering (unused at present)
Smoking No
Yes No
Yes Occasionally
No Daily
Drinking No any
Education Bachelors Degree (unused at present)
Income ? (unused at present)
Religion Christian/Protestant (unused at present)
Open to Dating Yes I don't care.
I'm just looking for a dance partner.
Language skill
Yes English
Credentials 0 Request Credentials
Covid Vaccination Unanswered
My Gifts (0)

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More About Me
I took a couple semester of Latin/Ballroom/Swing over at ASU a number of years back, and have been recently wanting to get back into it. Mainly looking for a dance partner in order to be able to dance with more from a social standpoint (rather than competitive). I'm all for learning proper technique, but my goal moreso is to have fun, look good, and get to a point where it becomes more second nature and I can dance with strangers with confidence, as well as be able to improvise dance moves within the style. I know some Rumba, East Coast Swing, Salsa, Cha Cha, Waltz, and the basics of Tango, ~Foxtrot, ~Bachata, ~West Coast Swing. I'm interested in getting better via practice, research online, watching instructional videos, etc. May be interested in co-paying for private lessons on occasion. I'd love to find a regular partner to practice with, as regular practice would enable us to take our dancing to the next level (and indeed at this point I feel it is a necessary step), via mutual interest and motivation levels, getting to know each other's dance style, and getting more familiar with the different connection points and cues when dancing. I'm a fairly strong introvert and can analyze things pretty well, I'm less good at making up my own moves on the spot. I'd like to improve on that sometime. Additionally, social dance is a lot of fun and good exercise, so I have high hopes I'll meet some nice people here to work with!
I'm Looking For
Preferably someone who is local or nearby so meeting up will be easier. I'd love to find someone similarly motivated and interested in dancing. Someone who is up for practicing and meeting regularly, has a goal to improve, get better, try new things. I'm not sure how I feel about competing in dance as of yet, or performing in public in general.
Member for 8 years
Last Login 5 months ago

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