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Amateur Male (32) seeking Female
H Hooksett, New Hampshire, USA 5766mi/9225km Map
  Me Seeking
Pro/Am Status Amateur Professional
Experience 2 years at least 0 years experience
3Intermediate 1SilverCSilver
Dance Styles
Yes American Rhythm
Yes American Smooth
Yes Social Ballroom
Yes Bachata
Yes Hustle
Yes Salsa
Yes American Rhythm
Yes American Smooth
Yes Social Ballroom
Yes West Coast Swing
Yes Bachata
Yes Hustle
Yes Salsa
Yes Social
Yes Competition
Yes Performance
Yes Training/Practice
Like to Dance 2 hrs/day, 4 days/week (unused at present)
Physical Description
  Me Seeking
Gender Male Female
Age 32 any
Height (w/o shoes) 5'10" (178 cm) any
Weight 249 lbs (113 kg) (unused at present)
Hair Color Bald/Shaved (unused at present)
Eye Color Brown (unused at present)
Body Type Stocky any
Ethnicity Caucasian/White any
Personal Information
  Me Seeking
Relationship Status Single any
Occupation Self Employed (unused at present)
Smoking No any
Drinking Socially any
Education Some College (unused at present)
Income $75,000 - $99,999 US (unused at present)
Religion ? (unused at present)
Open to Dating ? I don't care.
I'm just looking for a dance partner.
Language skill
Yes English
Credentials 0 Request Credentials
Covid Vaccination Unanswered
My Gifts (0)

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More About Me
I have been dancing for almost 2 years as of June 2024 when I wrote this. I have learned to lead on some level in 14 styles of dance but have reached intermediate skills in 6 dances. I have a background in excellent footwork training as a collegiate athlete which has allowed me to pick things up very quickly.
I'm Looking For
I am looking for someone who wants to get to the next level in dancing or to find a partner who learns quickly for competitions. I have a ballroom at my building we could use. It's very nice and well maintained
Member for 3 months
Last Login 18 days ago

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