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Amateur Female (74) seeking Male
H Chester, Virginia, USA 5941mi/9506km Map
Willing to relocate
  Me Seeking
Pro/Am Status Amateur Professional
Experience 25 years at least 2 years experience
Dance Styles
Yes Social Ballroom
Yes Lindy Hop
Yes East Coast Swing/Rock-n-Roll
Yes Salsa
Yes Greek
Yes Middle Eastern
Yes American Rhythm
Yes American Smooth
Yes Social Ballroom
Yes East Coast Swing/Rock-n-Roll
Yes Lindy Hop
Yes Argentine Tango
Yes Country/Western
Yes Salsa
Yes Greek
Yes Social
No Competition
No Performance
No Training/Practice
Yes Social
No Competition
No Performance
Yes Training/Practice
Like to Dance 2 hrs/day, 3 days/week (unused at present)
Physical Description
  Me Seeking
Gender Female Male
Age 74 59 to 68
Height (w/o shoes) 5'9" (175 cm) 5'10" (178 cm) to 6'8" (203 cm)
Weight 134 lbs (61 kg) (unused at present)
Hair Color Auburn/Red (unused at present)
Eye Color Green (unused at present)
Body Type Slim/Slender
Yes Slim/Slender
Yes Average
Yes Muscular/Athletic
No Stocky
No Large
Ethnicity Caucasian/White
Yes Caucasian/White
No African Descent/Black
No Native American Indian
No Asian
No Indian
No Native Pacific
Yes Latino
No Middle-Eastern
No Other
Personal Information
  Me Seeking
Relationship Status Single
Yes Single
No Separated
No In a relationship
No Married or Live-in Partner
Occupation Medical/Dental/Health (unused at present)
Smoking No
Yes No
No Occasionally
No Daily
Drinking Socially
Yes No
Yes Socially
No Regularly
Education Masters Degree (unused at present)
Income ? (unused at present)
Religion Christian/Other (unused at present)
Open to Dating Yes I don't care.
I'm just looking for a dance partner.
Language skill
Yes English
Yes German
Credentials 0 Request Credentials
Covid Vaccination Prefer not to say I prefer not to say
My Gifts (0)

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More About Me
I grew up in MN after moving there from Upper MI as a child. I have danced most of my life, beginning in MI where we danced weekly at the Danish brotherhood. Yes I know the Butterfly, Shottish, Polka, and all the old dances. My favorites are salsa, waltz, Cha Cha, and foxtrot. I relocated to VA in 2005 after working in 9 states in 1 year. I was a locum and traveled on assignments. My children are 20 and 22 and live in different states while attending college. Son is working on his Master's and PhD, daughter is working on her BS. I am semi retired from one career as an anesthetist and fully retired from the financial advisor career. My life has been very busy with 2 children and my careers. There was time to travel before children, while they were growing up and now that they have left home. My travels have taken me to 56 countries and there are more to explore. Some trips were pleasure others were study and work. Besides dancing, I love to sing and have had the privilege of singing at Carnegie Hall and Coventry Cathedral, plus many other places. My hobbies include bridge, gardening (actually trying to figure out what grows best in VA), needlework, art museums, and volunteering. I enjoy the arts very much, even opera. At this point in my life, my goal is to find a life partner to dance with me and enjoy all that life has to offer. I have danced on a Greek dance team, waltzed in Vienna under the stars, and spent weekends salsa dancing in CT. Unfortunatley, they were not with the man of my dreams only with a man that asked me to dance while at the dance.
I'm Looking For
I'm in search of a man that does not play games, wants a life partner, and is not afraid of the commitment word. It's a plus if you are retired or semi retired and willing to travel around the world including the USA. My preference would be a college educated man, as I have graduated from 4 colleges and have 2 more degrees that are unfinished at this time. Family and my church are very important to me. My parents are elderly and I do take a vacation with them yearly. This last winter it was to Australia, next winter it's Hawaii and October of 2007 mom, grandma and I are going to Churchill, Manitoba for the polar bear migrations. We're also doing a June trip fishing in South Dakota, dad's request for all the children. I prefer a man taller than I am to dance with me and definitely a non smoker.
Member for 18 years
Last Login 3 months ago

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