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Amateur Female (65-75) seeking Male
H Downers Grove, Illinois, USA 6733mi/10773km Map
  Me Seeking
Pro/Am Status Amateur Professional
Experience 2 years at least 0 years experience
4Intermediate 2GoldBGold
Dance Styles
Yes Social Ballroom
Yes Argentine Tango
Yes American Smooth
Yes East Coast Swing/Rock-n-Roll
Yes American Rhythm
Yes West Coast Swing
Yes International Standard
Yes Hustle
Yes Rave/Freestyle
Yes Salsa
Yes Social Ballroom
Yes American Smooth
Yes East Coast Swing/Rock-n-Roll
Yes American Rhythm
Yes West Coast Swing
Yes International Standard
Yes Hustle
Yes International Latin
Yes Rave/Freestyle
Yes Salsa
Yes Social
No Competition
Yes Performance
Yes Training/Practice
Like to Dance 2 hrs/day, 4 days/week (unused at present)
Physical Description
  Me Seeking
Gender Female Male
Age 65-75 45 to 60
Height (w/o shoes) 5'2" (157 cm) 5'6" (168 cm) to 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight 126 lbs (57 kg) (unused at present)
Hair Color Blonde (unused at present)
Eye Color Blue (unused at present)
Body Type Average
Yes Slim/Slender
Yes Average
Yes Muscular/Athletic
No Stocky
No Large
Ethnicity Caucasian/White
Yes Caucasian/White
Yes African Descent/Black
No Native American Indian
No Asian
No Indian
Yes Native Pacific
Yes Latino
No Middle-Eastern
Yes Other
Personal Information
  Me Seeking
Relationship Status Single
Yes Single
Yes Separated
No In a relationship
No Married or Live-in Partner
Occupation Other (unused at present)
Smoking No any
Drinking No
Yes No
Yes Socially
No Regularly
Education Bachelors Degree (unused at present)
Income ? (unused at present)
Religion Spiritual but not religious (unused at present)
Open to Dating Yes I don't care.
I'm just looking for a dance partner.
Language skill
Yes English
Credentials 0 Request Credentials
Covid Vaccination Unanswered
My Gifts (0)

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More About Me
I am seeking male dance partner between the ages of 40 to 60 yrs old. I am having a tough time finding an experienced male dance partner. I've always been able to dance and pick up moves quickly. However, jobs, family, moving and other responsibilities always came first. I have been taking hustle lessons, east coast swing, salsa and know some night 2 step, bachatta, meringue, and hip hop, etc. I have gone to several dance studieos alone and have to join the group dances, but I am really looking for a dance partner, so I can keep dancing on a regular basis. I love to dance, and want to be have a partner to be consistent or to keep improving and go to the next level. group lessons can be difficult fining a serious dance partner who has musically and rhythm. Would love to hears from you and maybe we can talk about a possible long term dance partnership. And if we are a match besides dancing due to age and similar interests that would be o.k. I work M-F 8 to 5 in Oak Brook I am free a few nights during the week and or week-ends. Diane
I'm Looking For
I am looking for a male 40 to 60 yrs. old preferably. One that lives in the west suburbs (dupage county). A good experienced dancer of a few years but not at advance level II or a professional who is competing. That is too much for me to learn from right now. I would enjoy someone who is a little ahead of me so I can pick it up. Someone who can lead well and allow me to learn the steps quickly. Prefer a few nights a week as well as Sat and Sun. I am flexible. SO when ever possible to practice or go out dancing I will make the time. Diane
Member for 16 years
Last Login 14 months ago

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